ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ainu religion

Ainu religion is the way the Ainu people, who live in Japan and Russia, believe in gods, spirits, and their connection to nature.

Imagine you're playing outside, and you hear the birds singing, the river flowing, and the leaves rustling. The Ainu people think that all these things have spirits inside them; they believe that everything in nature has its own spirit.

The Ainu people also think that there are many gods, and they have names like Kamui. Just like how people have friends they can rely on, the Ainu people pray to these gods when they need help. They thank the gods for things like a good harvest, a successful hunt, or good health.

The Ainu people also respect the spirits of their ancestors. They believe that these spirits are watching over them and guiding them throughout their lives. To honor their ancestors, they hold ceremonies and offer food and drink.

In conclusion, Ainu religion teaches the Ainu people to respect and appreciate nature, spirits, and gods. They believe that everything in nature is connected, and by working with nature, they can live in harmony and prosperity.