ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Siege is like a really big capture the flag game, but instead of just trying to get the other team's flag, you're trying to take over their fort or castle.

Imagine you and all your friends are in a big open field. You split up into two groups and each group gets a flag to protect. But this isn't any ordinary flag - it's the flag of your favorite princess or superhero, and it has special powers that will help your team win.

The catch is that the other team has set up a big, strong castle on the other side of the field. And they have a big wall around it with lots of guards to protect it. So, you and your friends need to figure out how to get through the wall and take over the castle.

You might try to sneak in by climbing over the wall, or building a secret tunnel underneath it. Or, you might get your friends to throw rocks and fire arrows at the guards to distract them while you sneak in.

Once you're inside the castle, you need to find the other team's flag and bring it back to your side of the field. But, they're not just going to let you take it - they'll try to stop you by attacking with swords and shields. You and your team will have to work together to fight them off and get the flag back to your own fort.

That's basically what a siege is - a big battle where one group of people try to take over another group's stronghold. It was a common way to fight in the olden days before we had fancy guns and tanks.