ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medieval warfare

Medieval warfare was like a really big fight between kingdoms, kind of like when you and your friends pretend to be knights and have sword fights. But this was real life and serious. People fought for different reasons, but mostly because they wanted more land or power.

In medieval wars, knights were the main fighters. They wore big heavy armor made of metal that covered their whole body to protect them. They also had a big shield and a sword or lance to fight with. Knights were like superheroes, except they were real and fought in battles.

There were also archers who used longbows to shoot arrows at their enemies from far away. They were really good at aiming and could hit their targets from very far away.

In medieval times, people didn't use guns like we do now. They used catapults, trebuchets, and other big machines to throw rocks or other heavy things at the enemy. Sometimes they even used flaming arrows to set the enemy's castle on fire!

Battles could last for days or even weeks. Soldiers would set up camps and wait for the enemy to attack. There were also siege battles where one side would surround a castle or city and try to starve the people inside so they would surrender.

Medieval warfare was really tough and dangerous. People got hurt and even died in battles. But it was also a time when people showed bravery and fought for what they believed in.