ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Signal velocity

Imagine you are in a game of telephone with your friends. You whisper a message to the friend next to you, who whispers it to the friend next to them, and so on until the message reaches the last person. This time it took for the message to travel from you to the last person is called the signal velocity.

Now, the message in the telephone game could be passed quickly or slowly based on how fast everyone whispers and how many people are in the line. Similarly, in the real world, signal velocity depends on several factors such as the medium through which the signal is traveling, the distance, and the speed of the signal or wave.

For example, in space, radio waves travel at the speed of light, which is very fast, so it only takes a few seconds for a message sent from Earth to reach a space probe. However, in water, sound waves travel much slower than radio waves, so it could take several minutes for a signal sent from one end of an ocean to be received on the other end.

In summary, signal velocity is the time it takes for a signal or message to travel from one point to another, and the speed of the signal is determined by the medium it is passing through, the distance it has to travel, and how fast it moves.