ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Silent Holocaust (Judaism)

Well, honey, a long time ago, Jewish people were treated very unfairly and cruelly by some people who didn't like them. This was a really bad time in history called the Holocaust. But did you know that there was another type of suffering that happened to Jewish people even before the Holocaust happened? It wasn't as well-known, but it's really important to talk about so we can learn from it and make sure it never happens again.

This other type of suffering is called the "silent Holocaust." It happened in the early 1900s and it refers to the persecution and killing of Jews that happened in a more hidden, secret way. It wasn't as well-known because it happened before people could easily communicate and share information through phones or the internet like we can now.

The silent Holocaust started in places like Russia and Poland where Jewish people had been living for a long time. Some people in these places thought that Jewish people were different and wanted them to leave or be killed. It was really unfair and scary for the Jewish people who just wanted to live their lives in peace.

The way that the silent Holocaust happened was by things like limiting where Jewish people could live or what jobs they could have. This meant that Jewish people had less opportunities and were often very poor. They were also blamed for things that went wrong, even if they had nothing to do with it.

The scariest part of the silent Holocaust was the violence. Sometimes, groups of people would attack Jewish people and hurt or kill them. This was really sad and made the Jewish people feel like they weren't safe anywhere.

It's really important to remember the silent Holocaust and the Holocaust that came after it, so that we can make sure that nothing like that ever happens again. We should always treat people with kindness and respect, no matter what they believe or where they come from.