ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Simon of Trent

Simon of Trent was a little boy who lived a long time ago in a town called Trent in Italy. He was just a normal kid who played with his friends, ate candy, and loved his family. One day, something really terrible happened to him that made a lot of people very angry.

Simon was found dead in a cellar, which is a dark room usually used for storage. The people who found him said that there were strange marks on his body and that he had been hurt really badly. Some of the people in the town started to say that this was because the Jewish people who lived in Trent had done something bad to Simon.

Now, this was a really unfair thing to say! Just because someone is from a different religion or culture doesn't mean they would hurt a little boy. But back then, some people didn't understand that and they were scared of others who were different from them.

So, even though there wasn't any real evidence that the Jewish people in Trent had anything to do with Simon's death, they were blamed for it. Many of them were arrested and even tortured to try to make them confess to the crime. It was a really sad time for the Jewish people in Trent, as they were treated unfairly and some of them even died because of this unfair accusation.

So, today we remember Simon of Trent as a symbol of how important it is to treat everyone with kindness and fairness, no matter where they come from or what they look like. We should never blame someone for something they didn't do just because they are different from us.