ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sino-Soviet border conflict

Once upon a time, there were two big countries called China and the Soviet Union. They were both very powerful and had different ideas about how to rule their people.

One day, in the 1960s, China and the Soviet Union had a big fight over their border, which is like a line that separates them from each other. They argued about who owned some land near the border, and this made them very angry with each other.

The leaders of China and the Soviet Union tried to talk to each other to solve the problem, but they couldn't agree on anything. They both wanted to claim the land for themselves, and neither wanted to back down.

So the two countries started to have small fights with each other, like pushing and shoving. But these small fights turned into big fights, with guns and tanks and soldiers.

The conflict lasted for several years, and many people were hurt or even died. Finally, in the 1990s, both countries decided to have peace talks and negotiate a solution to the border dispute.

Today, China and the Soviet Union are no longer enemies and have become friends. They have learned that it's better to talk and compromise instead of fighting with each other.