ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sinus tachycardia

Okay kiddo, so our heart is like a little pump that moves blood all around our body. Sometimes, our heart beats really fast even when we're not doing anything strenuous like running or jumping. This is called sinus tachycardia.

Now, let's break down what that big word means. Sinus just means that the fast beating starts from a specific part of the heart called the sinus node. It's like a little pacemaker that tells our heart when to beat.

Tachycardia just means that our heart is beating really fast. Normally, our heart beats around 60 to 100 times per minute. But with sinus tachycardia, our heart can beat even faster than that, like 120 or 150 beats per minute!

Why does this happen? Well, there could be many reasons why our heart beats really fast. One reason could be because we're scared or excited. Another reason could be because we're sick or have a fever. Sometimes, our heart just beats fast for no apparent reason at all!

Is sinus tachycardia dangerous? Not usually, especially if it's only happening for short periods of time. Our heart is pretty good at regulating itself and slowing down when it needs to. But if it happens all the time or if we feel dizzy or short of breath, we should go see a doctor just to be safe.