ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Skull Tower

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a skull tower is.

Do you know what a tower is? It's a tall structure that can be used for different things, like to look out over an area or to keep people safe inside.

Now, a skull tower is a tower made out of skulls. Yup, you heard that right, real skulls.

Now why would someone make a tower out of skulls? Well, a long time ago, some kings or rulers would create skull towers to scare their enemies and show off how powerful they were.

They would take the skulls of people they had defeated in battles and stack them together to make a tower. Sometimes they would even put the skulls on spikes to make it even scarier.

Nowadays, making a skull tower is not something that people do anymore. It's seen as a pretty gruesome and scary thing to do. And it's not very nice to be disrespectful to other people, even if they are your enemies.

So that's what a skull tower is, a tower made out of real skulls, and it's something that people used to do a long time ago to scare others.