ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Skytran is a really cool transportation system that uses little pod-like vehicles that float above the ground using magnetic force. It's kind of like a big train, but instead of being on tracks, the vehicles are suspended from a track that's way up high in the air, like a sky bridge. You get in the pod, sit down comfortably, and then the vehicle quietly zooms along the track at high speeds.

Because the vehicle is floating on magnets, it uses much less energy to move than a normal car or bus, which is better for the environment. Plus, since the pods are small and lightweight, they can zip around quickly and easily, even in tight spaces. It's a bit like being in your own personal flying car!

But the coolest thing about Skytran is that you will be able to use your smartphone to call and schedule a ride. The pods will arrive at the station quickly and will take you to your destination directly, without any stops along the way. So you'll be able to get where you need to go faster, with less hassle and stress.

Skytran is a new idea, and it might take a bit of time for it to catch on and become available in more cities. But for those lucky enough to have it available, it's a really exciting and innovative way to get around!