ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slavic influence on Romanian

Remember how mommy told you about the big family of languages that some countries speak? Well, Romanian is one of those languages, but it has a special story.

A long time ago, in a land called Romania, people spoke a language that was different from the other languages in Europe. But, as people traveled and traded with each other, they started to borrow words and phrases from other languages.

One of the biggest influences on Romanian was from a group of people called the Slavs. They lived nearby and spoke their own language. The Slavs and the Romanians talked to each other a lot and they started to exchange words.

So, the Romanians started to use some Slavic words in their language. For example, a very common word in Romanian today is "da," which means "yes." But, did you know that this word actually comes from a Slavic language?

Over time, the Slavic words mixed with the original Romanian words and created a new language that we now call Romanian. It's like if you mixed two colors together, you would get a new color that is a little bit different than the original ones.

Even today, Romanian still has a lot of Slavic words, especially when it comes to words for things like food, animals, and the countryside. So, you can see that the Slavs had a big impact on the language that Romanian people use today.