ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slope stabilization

Slope stabilization is like building a fence around a sandcastle so that it doesn't fall apart when the tide comes in. Only instead of a sandcastle, we're talking about a hill or a mountain.

Sometimes when it rains or there is an earthquake, the ground can shift and cause the soil or rocks on a slope to start moving downhill. This is called erosion. If this happens to a slope near a road or where people live, it can be very dangerous.

To keep the soil and rocks in place, engineers use different techniques to make the slope stronger. They might add layers of special fabrics or wire mesh that can hold the soil and rocks together. This is like putting a net around your sandcastle to keep the sand from falling apart.

In some cases, they might even drill metal rods into the slope to hold it in place. Think of it like putting really big nails into the ground to keep the hill from sliding.

By stabilizing the slope, engineers can make sure that it stays in one place and doesn't cause any harm to people or buildings nearby. So next time you see a slope that looks extra strong, you'll know how it got that way!
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