ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sloped armour

Sloped armor is like a shield that is placed at an angle to protect things that are behind it. Imagine holding a book straight up in front of you to protect your tummy. But now picture holding the book at an angle, like you're reading it, but still keeping it in front of your tummy. It's harder for something to go straight through if it hits at an angle because it has to go through more material.

The same idea applies to tanks and armored vehicles. They have sloped armor on the outside to protect the people and things inside them. So, if something shoots at the tank, the bullet or bomb has to go through more armor because of the angle. This makes it harder for it to cause damage.

Sloped armor is also more effective than straight armor because it can deflect incoming shots away from the most vulnerable parts of the vehicle. It's like if you were wearing armor and someone shot an arrow at you. If the armor was straight, the arrow would go straight through the armor and hit your body. But if the armor was sloped, the arrow might bounce off and miss you completely.

Overall, sloped armor is a really important part of keeping things safe and protected from harm. By putting things at an angle, we can make it much harder for dangerous things to cause damage.