ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Small Press Distribution

Hey there, little buddy! So today we're gonna talk about something called "small press distribution" – and do you know what that means?

Well, you know how sometimes you make little art projects or crafts at home, like coloring or painting or drawing, and you might want to share your work with your friends or family? Maybe you even made a bunch of things and want to sell them at a garage sale or something like that.

Small press distribution is kinda like that! But instead of art projects, it's books. You know how there are different kinds of books – like picture books, chapter books, and non-fiction books? Well, some people write and publish their own books – just like how you might make your own art projects at home – and they might not be really famous like the big publishers who make the Harry Potter books or Dr. Seuss books.

So what happens is these small press publishers might make a few hundred (or even a few thousand!) copies of their book, and they need a way to let people know that their book exists and to get it into stores where people can buy it. That's where small press distribution comes in!

Small press distributors are like helpers who specialize in getting those individual books from the publisher to the stores. They might have a big warehouse where they keep copies of hundreds of different small press books, and when a store orders a few copies of one of those books, the distributor finds it in the warehouse and ships it to the store. Pretty cool, huh?

So that's basically what small press distribution is all about – it's a way to help independent publishers who make their own books get their work out there and into the hands of readers. Thanks for listening, bud!