ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sniffing attack

Okay kiddo, have you ever tried to snoop around and smell something, like maybe trying to figure out what mom is cooking in the kitchen? Well, in the world of computer networks, bad guys can also try to "snoop" or "sniff" around the internet in a similar way. This is called a "sniffing attack."

Let's pretend that a computer wants to talk to another computer, just like you want to talk to your friend on the phone. They exchange information by sending messages to each other. But these messages are like secret codes that only the two computers can understand.

Now, imagine that there is a sneaky person nearby. They can't understand the secret codes, but they can still spy on the messages being sent between the two computers. They can watch and listen to everything that's going on, just like if you were sneaking around the kitchen to smell what mom is cooking. This sneaky person can then use the information they gather to do bad things, like taking control of one of the computers, stealing important data, or even spying on someone's private conversations.

So, just like you wouldn't want someone to sneak around and smell what's cooking in your kitchen, we don't want sneaky people to sniff around and spy on our networks. That's why it's important to use tools like firewalls, encryption, and secure connections to prevent sniffing attacks and keep our computers and data safe.