ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there! So, have you ever heard of a puzzle where you have to fit different shaped pieces into their matching cut-out spaces? Think of SNPSTR like a giant science puzzle that helps scientists understand more about our bodies and how they work!

Our bodies are made up of tiny things called cells. Inside those cells are long, twisted-up strings called DNA. DNA is like a book that tells our cells how to work and what to do!

Now, in that DNA book, there are little sections called "markers." These markers are like special shapes that help scientists understand more about the book. SNPSTR is a type of marker!

SNPSTR stands for "Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphism." That's just a big word to describe a section of the DNA book where there's a little group of words that get repeated over and over again.

Think of it like this - imagine a sentence that says "I like pizza." Now, let's say that sentence gets repeated four times in a row, so it looks like "I like pizza, I like pizza, I like pizza, I like pizza." That's what SNPSTR is like, but with a different set of words!

Scientists like to look at SNPSTR because they're different in each person - like a fingerprint! By studying these little sections, scientists can learn more about things like diseases or where our ancestors might have come from.

So, in summary, SNPSTR is a special part of the DNA book that repeats a set of words and helps scientists understand more about our bodies and where we come from!
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