A soap dispenser is a thingy that helps you wash your hands. It looks like a bottle or a box with a pump on top that you press down. When you press the pump, a little bit of soap comes out of it. Then, you can rub the soap on your hands to clean them.
The soap dispenser is like a helper that makes it easy to get soap. It helps you avoid making a mess by keeping the soap in one place. It can also be more hygienic because you don't have to touch a bar of soap that other people have used.
Some soap dispensers are automatic. That means they sense when you put your hands under them and then they squirt soap out on their own. These ones are extra helpful for keeping things clean because you don't have to touch anything to get soap.
Overall, a soap dispenser makes it easier and cleaner to wash your hands. Make sure you always wash your hands with soap, little one!