ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Social cognitive and affective neuroscience is a big fancy name for a way that scientists study how our brains work when we interact with other people and how we feel about it.

Let's say you see someone you know from school in the park, your brain starts to work really fast. You remember who that person is, what you think about them, and what you should say or do next. All of these things are part of what our brain does when we think about social situations.

The "cognitive" part of social cognitive and affective neuroscience means thinking and learning. That means that scientists are trying to understand how our brains learn to behave in social situations and how we use that information.

The "affective" part of social cognitive and affective neuroscience means feeling and emotions. That means that scientists are trying to understand how our emotions and feelings affect the way we think and behave in social situations.

By studying these things, scientists hope to learn more about how our brains work and how we can better understand and improve social interactions in our lives.