ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social and behavior change communication

Well kiddo, social and behavior change communication simply means using different ways to talk or share information to convince people to change how they behave or act in a certain situation.

Let's say you have a bad habit of forgetting to brush your teeth before bed, and your mom keeps reminding you every day. But instead of just telling you to do it, she might show you pictures or videos of what can happen to your teeth if you don't brush regularly. She might even give you a reward system for brushing your teeth every day, like a sticker chart, to motivate you. That's using social and behavior change communication to encourage you to change your habits.

This approach is used in many areas of life, like encouraging people to exercise more, eat healthier, or use birth control. Instead of just telling people what to do, social and behavior change communication uses different types of messages, tools, and incentives to help people make better choices for themselves.

So next time you're trying to convince someone to do something differently, think about how you can use social and behavior change communication to get your message across in a fun and effective way!