ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social contract (Malaysia)

A social contract in Malaysia can be explained as an understanding that people have with each other and with their government to live together peacefully and fairly. It is like a big rule book that everyone in Malaysia agrees to follow so that everyone can live in harmony.

The social contract in Malaysia is based on three main principles: the agreement to uphold the Federal Constitution, the recognition of the special privileges of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, and the acceptance of the use of the Malay language as the national language.

The Federal Constitution is like a big book of rules that explains how Malaysia is governed. It tells us how the government should be run, what rights people have, and how disputes should be handled.

The special privileges of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak are recognized because they were the original inhabitants of the land. These privileges ensure that they are not marginalized and their culture and language are protected. This might mean that sometimes they get preferential treatment in things like getting a job or getting into university.

The Malay language is used as the national language because it is the language that is spoken by the majority of people in Malaysia. It is also important because it helps to unite people from different parts of the country who might speak different dialects.

Overall, the social contract in Malaysia is an agreement between people and their government to live together in peace, respect each other's cultures and traditions, and follow the rules set out in the constitution. By doing this, everyone in Malaysia can enjoy a happy and harmonious life.