ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Societal views on patents

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a toy that you really like and don't want anyone else to play with. You might put your name on it or make a rule that only you can play with it. Well, patents are kind of like that for grown-ups.

When someone makes an invention like a cool new toy or a machine that does something useful, they can get a patent which means that no one else can copy their invention without permission. This is because inventing something takes a lot of time and money, and the person who made the invention wants to be able to make money from it.

Societal views on patents, or what people think about them, are different for everyone. Some people think patents are really important because they protect inventors and encourage them to keep coming up with new and useful things. Other people think that patents can be bad because they can make it hard for other people to use or improve on an invention, or they can make it so that important things like life-saving medicine or technology are too expensive for some people to access.

So, basically, patents are like a way to protect someone's hard work and ideas, but some people have different opinions about whether they are good or not for society as a whole.