ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Soil classification

Soil is like the dirt that we walk on outside. Just like how people have different names, different types of soil have different names too! We call these types of soil "classes".

Scientists look at a few different things to figure out what kind of soil it is. One thing they look at is how big the soil particles are. This means taking a closer look at the soil with a special tool to see if the particles are really big or really small. They also look at the color of the soil, which can tell them if there are certain minerals or nutrients in it.

After looking at all of these things, scientists can put the soil into a class. This class tells us what kind of things can grow well in it, how much water it can hold, and how well it can support plants or buildings.

So, just like how people have names to tell us different things about them, soil has classes to tell us different things about what's inside it!