ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solar irradiance

Hey kiddo! So solar irradiance is basically the energy that we get from the sun shining down on us.

Imagine that you're outside on a sunny day and you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. That warmth is made up of little rays of energy called photons that come from the sun.

The amount of energy that these photons have is what we call solar irradiance. It's measured in watts per square meter (W/m²), which means how much energy there is per every square meter of space.

Solar irradiance is very important because it's what helps plants grow and makes solar panels produce electricity. But too much of it can also be dangerous, which is why we wear sunscreen and hats on really sunny days to protect ourselves.

So in short, solar irradiance is the amount of energy we get from the sun and it's really important for our planet and our daily lives!