ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solar storm of 1859

A long time ago, in the year of 1859, the Sun got really angry and started to have a huge temper tantrum. We call this temper tantrum a "solar storm". Just like how sometimes we get really mad and throw a fit, the Sun can get really angry too!

Now, during this solar storm, the Sun threw something called a "coronal mass ejection" towards Earth. This is like when we throw a ball to someone, but instead of a ball, the Sun threw out a giant cloud of plasma. This plasma cloud flew through space and hit Earth's magnetic field.

Now, Earth has a protective shield around it called the magnetic field. This field acts like a giant bubble that protects us from things like space radiation and solar storms. But during the solar storm of 1859, the plasma cloud was so powerful that it caused the magnetic field to shake and wiggle.

Think of it like this - if someone threw a really big ball at our house, it would shake and maybe even break some things inside. That's what happened to Earth's magnetic field during the solar storm.

This had some really cool effects! In the sky, there were beautiful and colorful lights called auroras. It was as if the sky were putting on a light show just for us! But, it also had some not-great effects. The solar storm caused some telegraphs (a way people sent messages over long distances before phones) to stop working, and even caused some fires!

Nowadays, scientists study the Sun very closely so that we can better understand when it might have another temper tantrum. By studying the solar storm of 1859, we can better prepare ourselves for the future and make sure we stay safe from the Sun's angry outbursts.
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