ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solar–hydrogen energy cycle

Alright kiddo, let me explain the solar-hydrogen energy cycle to you in a simple way.

Have you ever seen a solar panel? It's a device that captures the energy from the sun and turns it into electricity.

Now, imagine if we could use that electricity to create something called hydrogen. Hydrogen is a gas that can store energy, just like a battery.

So, when the sun shines on the solar panel, it creates electricity which is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. We call this process electrolysis. The hydrogen can then be stored until we need it to create energy again.

When we need energy, we can use the hydrogen to power things like cars or homes. This creates a reaction where the hydrogen combines with oxygen in the air to produce water and energy.

Then, we can start the whole process again by using solar panels to create more hydrogen from water.

So, it's like a big circle of energy. The sun creates electricity from solar panels, which creates hydrogen from water, which can be stored and used to create energy again.

Pretty cool, huh?