ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solicitor advocate

Okay kiddo, imagine you are on a playground and you want to play a game where you have to convince the teacher to let you stay outside for recess longer. You try to convince her by saying things like "It's not fair that we only get short recess, we need more time to play". You are acting like a solicitor when you present a case to the teacher and try to persuade her to make a decision.

Now, imagine there is another kid on the playground who is really good at convincing people to listen to him. He can make the teacher listen to him and he also knows the rules of the playground really well. This kid is like a solicitor advocate: a special type of lawyer who not only presents a case, but also knows how to argue it in court.

A solicitor advocate is a lawyer who has extra training and qualifications to both give legal advice (like a regular solicitor) and to represent their clients in court (like a barrister). This means they can help with everything from writing legal documents to arguing a case in front of a judge.

So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to go to court, a solicitor advocate could help you present your case in the best possible way. Just like the playground kid who knows the rules and how to make the teacher listen, they know the law and how to make sure your case is heard.