ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Solid rocket booster

Okay kiddo, so imagine you want to go really fast and fly up to the sky. How do you do that? Well, one way is to use something called a rocket! Now, a rocket has different parts, and one of those parts is called a solid rocket booster.

A solid rocket booster is basically a big, long tube filled with something called solid fuel. It's kind of like a giant firework, but instead of shooting up sparks, it makes a lot of hot gas that helps the rocket blast off.

Now, you might be wondering, how does the solid fuel work? Well, it's made up of chemicals that burn really fast and create a lot of gas. When you light it up, the burning fuel makes more and more gas, and that gas shoots out the end of the booster. It's kind of like blowing up a balloon really fast, except the gas goes out the end of the booster and propels the rocket up into the sky.

So, when a rocket is launched, the solid rocket boosters light up first, and they provide a big burst of power to help the rocket get off the ground. Once the boosters burn out and the solid fuel is all used up, they fall off the rocket, and the rocket keeps flying up into space.

And that's pretty much how a solid rocket booster works. It's just a big tube filled with special fuel that burns really fast and helps the rocket take off. Pretty cool, huh?