ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Songjiang Tangjing Building

The Songjiang Tangjing Building is a big place where lots of people can live and work and play. It has many floors that are stacked on top of each other like a really tall cake. There are also many different things inside the building, like shops, restaurants, and even a hospital.

But what makes the building really special is that it was built to be very eco-friendly, which means it helps take care of the Earth. It has a special roof that collects rainwater so it can be used for things like washing clothes and flushing toilets. It also has big windows that let in lots of natural light so people don't have to use as much electricity to see.

Another cool thing about the Songjiang Tangjing Building is that it was built to look like a mountain. That's because the building was made to fit in with the natural environment around it. So when people look at the building, it looks like it belongs there and it doesn't look strange or ugly.

Overall, the Songjiang Tangjing Building is a really neat place where people can live and work while also helping to protect the Earth.