ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sound mass

Have you ever heard a group of people or animals making noise all at once? That's kind of like what sound mass is! It's when lots of different sounds all mush together to make one big sound.

Think about when you're at a baseball game and everyone in the stadium is cheering and yelling at the same time. It might be hard to make out one person's voice or yell, but it all combines to create a really loud and energetic sound.

Musicians sometimes use sound mass in their music, too. They might have lots of different instruments playing at once, but the focus isn't necessarily on one specific sound or melody. It's about combining all of those different sounds to create a big, textured sound that fills your ears.

So, to sum it up: sound mass is like a big, blended sound created by lots of different sounds happening at the same time.
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