ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

South Pars / North Dome Gas-Condensate field

Imagine a giant gas tank buried deep in the ground. This tank has two parts, one part is called South Pars and the other part is called North Dome. Both of these parts are so big that they have enough gas in them to power an entire country for many years!

Gas is a type of fuel that we use to make things like electricity, heat and fuel for cars. And condensate is a special type of liquid that is made from the gas.

South Pars and North Dome are located in the Persian Gulf, which is a big body of water next to Iran and Qatar. These two countries share this giant gas tank and work together to get the gas out of the ground.

It's not easy to get the gas out, because it's so deep in the ground, so they have to drill really deep holes to find it. Once they find it, they use special machines to suck it up and bring it to the surface.

Once the gas is out, it's sent to factories where it is cleaned and processed so that it's safe to use. Then, the gas is put into pipelines and sent to places that need it, like homes, businesses, and power plants.

The South Pars/North Dome gas-condensate field is really important because it provides energy for millions of people. Without it, we wouldn't be able to power our homes and businesses.