ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Southern Min Wikipedia

Southern Min Wikipedia is a special website where people can find information in a language called Southern Min. This language is spoken by many people in southern China, as well as in other parts of the world where Chinese people have moved to live.

Think of it like this - you know how you go to school and you learn different subjects like math and science? Well, Southern Min Wikipedia is like a school but for people who speak Southern Min. It's a place where they can learn and share information about lots of different topics in their own language.

When you visit Southern Min Wikipedia, you can search for all sorts of things like history, animals, and even cartoons! The articles on the website are written by different people who know a lot about these topics and want to share their knowledge with others.

So if you speak Southern Min, Southern Min Wikipedia is a great place to go to learn new things and find out about the world around you!