ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Southern Tenant Farmers Union

The Southern Tenant Farmers Union (STFU) was a group of people who lived in the southern part of the United States many years ago. They were farmers who rented the land they worked on from big landowners, and they often had trouble making ends meet.

The STFU was created to help these farmers come together and fight for their rights. They wanted fair wages, better working conditions, and more say in how their land was used. The union also helped farmers learn new skills, like how to plant crops in a way that would help the soil stay healthy.

The STFU was important because it gave these farmers a voice. By working together, they were able to demand changes from the landowners and the government. They held meetings and rallies to share information and make plans for how to improve their lives.

Although the STFU was eventually dissolved, it helped inspire other groups to fight for the rights of workers and farmers who were struggling to make a living. Today, we remember the STFU as a group of people who worked hard to create a better future for themselves and their communities.