ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Southern, Eastern and Northern Buddhism

Buddhism is a way of thinking and living that started in India a long time ago. Since then, it has spread to different countries, and people in these places practice it differently.

Southern Buddhism is also known as Theravada Buddhism. It is mostly practiced in countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Myanmar. In this type of Buddhism, people focus on the teachings of Buddha, who lived in India a long time ago. They believe that if they follow his teachings, they can reach a state of freedom from all suffering. Southern Buddhism also believes in meditation, which is a way of quieting the mind and focusing on important things.

Eastern Buddhism is also called Mahayana Buddhism. This type of Buddhism is popular in China, Japan, and Korea. In Eastern Buddhism, people believe in Buddha's teachings, but they also believe in other spiritual beings that can help them reach enlightenment. They also think that everyone has the potential to become a Buddha, not just special religious leaders. Eastern Buddhism also has more rituals and practices, like chanting and bowing, than Southern Buddhism.

Finally, Northern Buddhism is also called Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism. This type of Buddhism is popular in Tibet, Mongolia, and some parts of China. Northern Buddhism has a lot of cool practices - like chanting mantras and using special tools like bells and drums - to help people reach enlightenment. They also believe in powerful spiritual beings, and they have a lot of colorful stories about their lives. Northern Buddhism also believes in supernatural abilities, like being able to fly, that some people can develop through meditation.

So, in summary, Buddhism is a way of living that started in India a long time ago. Different countries practice it differently, and there are three main types: Southern Buddhism, Eastern Buddhism, and Northern Buddhism. Each type believes in Buddha's teachings, but they have different ideas about other spiritual beings, rituals, and practices.