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Soviet historiography

Soviet historiography is when people from the country called the Soviet Union wrote about the history of their country. The Soviet Union was a really big country that existed a long time ago, and their history was very important to them.

The people who wrote about Soviet history were trained to see things a certain way. They learned about the world through their government's point of view. They had to write things that made the Soviet Union look good and strong. This means that sometimes they left out important things or changed the way they wrote about things to make the Soviet Union look better.

For example, if there was a war, they would write about how the Soviet Union was brave and won the war. They might not mention other countries that helped them. They might say that the Soviet Union's leader was the best in the world, even if they weren't.

This type of writing about history is called propaganda. It makes one country look better than others. It's kind of like when you tell your friends that you are the best at everything, even if it's not true.

Soviet historiography is important because it helps us understand how people in the Soviet Union thought about their own history. But it's also important to remember that not everything they wrote was completely true. Sometimes they left out important information or changed things to make themselves look better.