ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spanish Florida

Hi there, little one!

Let's talk about Spanish Florida! So, a really long time ago, in the 1500s, Spain was exploring different places in what is now called the United States. One of those places was Florida.

Florida is a big state that has a lot of different things in it, like beaches and swamps and forests. At that time, there were Native American tribes that were living in Florida too.

So, Spain decided to make Florida a part of their country. They built some forts and settlements there and tried to make friends with the Native Americans.

But, things didn't always go smoothly. Sometimes there were battles or arguments with the Native Americans. And sometimes, other countries, like England and France, would try to take over Florida.

Eventually, after a few hundred years, Spain lost control of Florida and it became part of the United States. But you can still see some Spanish influence in Florida today, like in the names of some cities and in the architecture of some buildings.

So, that's a little bit about Spanish Florida! Got it?