ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spatial gradient

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a picture and you want to see how things change when you move from one part of the picture to another. A spatial gradient is simply a way of measuring how much things change in different directions within the picture.

Let's say you have a picture of a mountain. If you want to know how steep it is, you can look at the spatial gradient. This tells you how much the elevation changes as you move from one point to another. If the spatial gradient is high, that means the mountain is very steep because the elevation changes a lot in a short distance.

Another example would be if you have a picture of a colorful sunset. The spatial gradient in this case would measure how much the color changes as you move from one part of the picture to another. If the spatial gradient is high, that means the colors in the picture change quickly from one shade to another.

So, spatial gradient is basically a way of measuring how much things change in different directions within a picture. It's a way to understand how steep mountains are or how colors blend into each other in a sunset picture.