ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Special Assistance Program (Australian education)

In Australia, there is a program called the Special Assistance Program (SAP) that helps students with special needs get the support they need to succeed in school. This program is really important because some students have different needs than others and it can be hard for them to learn without extra help.

The SAP is like a secret team of teachers and helpers that work together to help students. They do things like creating special lesson plans for the students, giving them extra time to finish their work, or even giving them special equipment to use in the classroom.

The SAP team looks at each student individually and figures out what they need to be successful. They might talk to the student's parents, their doctor, or even other teachers to figure out the best plan for them.

The SAP team also works closely with the student's teacher to make sure they are getting the support they need in the classroom. They might also work with other students in the class to help them understand why their friend needs extra help.

All of this help means that students who might have struggled in school before can now learn and succeed just like everyone else. And that's important because every child deserves to have a good education and a chance to achieve their dreams.