ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Special Pleader

Okay kiddo, a special pleader is a type of lawyer who helps people in court. They are called "special" because they often have a special job to do.

Let's say someone wants to ask the judge to do something really important, but they don't know how to do it themselves. They might hire a special pleader to help them.

The special pleader will talk to the person and find out what they want the judge to do. Then, they will write a fancy paper called a "pleading" that explains what the person wants and why they want it.

The special pleader will take the pleading to the court and ask the judge to look at it. The judge will read the pleading and decide if the person can get what they want or not.

So you see, a special pleader is like a helper who writes important papers and talks to the judge for someone who needs help in court.