ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spiral model

The spiral model is a way of developing things (like software or toys) that involves planning, building, testing, and improving in a repeating circle. Think of it like baking a cake - first you plan what kind of cake you want and what ingredients you need, then you mix them all together, put it in the oven to bake, and finally you taste test to see how it turned out. If it's not perfect, you make adjustments to the recipe and start the whole process over again until you get it just right.

The spiral model is like that but for making things that are more complicated than a cake. Each loop of the spiral involves taking what you've learned from the previous loop and using it to plan and build things that are better and more efficient. This way, you're always improving and making progress towards your final goal.

The spiral model is helpful because it allows you to catch and fix problems early on in the process, before they become bigger and harder to fix. It also helps you to learn from your mistakes so that you don't make the same ones over and over again.

So, in summary, the spiral model is a way of developing things by repeating a cycle of planning, building, testing, and improving until you reach your end goal. This method helps you to catch problems early and learn from your mistakes.