ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright, kiddo, have you heard of regular numbers like 1, 2, and 3? These are called real numbers because they represent things we can count in real life, like apples or toys. But there are also other numbers called imaginary numbers that we can't count in the same way. They have a special property where when we multiply them by themselves, we get a negative number.

Now, split-quaternions are a type of number that are like a mixture of both real and imaginary numbers. They have four parts instead of just one or two - two real parts and two imaginary parts. We use them in some advanced math and physics to describe things like rotations and movements in 3D space.

Think about it like this - imagine you're playing with a toy car that can move in any direction. You have to describe its movement in three dimensions - up and down, left and right, and forward and backward. But what if you also want to describe its rotation around its own axis? Split-quaternions help us do that.

We can add, subtract, multiply and divide split-quaternions just like regular numbers, and they have special rules that explain how they work. But they're a bit trickier to work with, so we don't usually use them for everyday math problems. But if you decide to learn advanced math or physics, split-quaternions might come in handy!
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