Hey there kiddo! Do you know what "spolia" means? No? Well, it's really simple. Spolia is a fancy word for something that people used to do a long time ago. What they used to do was take parts from old buildings and use them to make new buildings.
Let's say that a really old building was falling apart and nobody needed it anymore. Instead of throwing it all away, people would take things like bricks, columns, and statues from the old building and use them in the construction of new buildings. They would basically recycle the old materials!
The idea behind it was that the old materials were really good and it was kind of like giving them a new life. Plus, it saved money and time because they didn't have to make everything from scratch. People still use spolia today, but it's not as common as it was a long time ago.
So, spolia is just reusing pieces from old buildings to make new ones. Pretty cool, right?