ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sports day

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes in school we have a day where we get to be really active and play lots of different sports? That day is called sports day!

On sports day, we usually split up into teams or houses and wear special-colored shirts so we know who we are playing with or against. We get to try out different sports like running races, relay races, obstacle courses, sack races, and even sometimes games we might not have played before like tug of war or soccer!

We get to cheer on our friends and classmates, and try our best to score points for our team. Sometimes we even get awards or prizes for doing really well. It's a whole day of fun and being active, which is good for our bodies and minds!

At the end of the day, we usually have a big celebration or assembly where the winning team gets announced and everyone gets to feel proud of themselves for trying their best. So sports day is a really special day in school where we get to have lots of fun and try out lots of different sports.