ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

St John (restaurant)

Okay, so St. John is a place where people can go to eat yummy food. It's a restaurant! And it's named after a guy named John who was really important a long time ago.

The people who work at St. John are really good at cooking different foods, especially meats like beef, lamb, and pork. They also make things like bread and desserts.

One thing that makes St. John special is that they use all parts of the animals they cook, not just the yummy parts like the meat. They use things like the bones and the organs too! This might sound weird, but it's actually really sustainable and helps make sure that everything is being used and not wasted.

People who go to St. John can order things from a menu or just let the chefs choose what to make for them. They might try new things they've never had before!

Overall, St. John is a cool and unique restaurant that is famous for its delicious food and innovative use of ingredients.