ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

St. Mary's Church, Gdańsk

Do you know what a church is? It's like a big house where people go to pray and talk to God. St. Mary's Church in Gdańsk is a very special church in Poland. It's very, very old – older than your great-great-grandparents – and it's really big and tall, like a giant castle.

It's made of stones that are very heavy, and workers had to use cranes and pulleys to lift them up and build the church. That's because it was built a long time ago, when there weren't machines that could help make things easier.

St. Mary's Church is also very pretty on the inside. There are beautiful stained-glass windows that let colorful light in, and rows and rows of benches where people can sit and pray or sing. Sometimes, there's even a really big pipe organ that makes music that fills up the whole church!

Lots of people from Gdańsk and all around the world come to visit St. Mary's Church because it's so special and important. It's a place where people can feel peaceful and close to God, even if they're feeling sad or worried.