ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stability (ecology)

Okay kiddo, so stability in ecology means that things are balanced and don't change too much. You know how you need to have a balanced diet to stay healthy and not get sick? Well, animals and plants in nature also need balance to survive.

For example, let's say there are a lot of rabbits in an environment. If there were no predators around, then the rabbit population might grow too much, and there wouldn't be enough food or space for them all. This could cause the rabbit population to crash, meaning that a lot of them would die off.

But if there were predators around, like foxes or hawks, then they would eat some of the rabbits and keep their population from getting too big. This creates a balance between the rabbit population and the predators.

When an ecosystem is stable, it means that all the different plants and animals are able to live together and maintain a balance. If something happens to disrupt this balance, like a new predator moving in or a disease affecting a certain species, then it can cause the whole ecosystem to become unbalanced and unstable.

So, just like how you need to eat your vegetables and not too much candy to stay healthy, ecosystems need to have a balance of different plants and animals to stay stable and healthy too!