ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stable hashing

Okay, so imagine you have a big box of candy, but you need to share it with your friends. You want to make sure that each friend gets exactly the same amount of candy.

Stable hashing is like a way to divide up the candy really evenly so that everyone is happy.

Instead of just randomly giving out candy, you can use a special tool (called a hashing function) that helps you divide up the candy really fairly.

The hashing function lets you take all the different types of candy and put them into different piles, so that each type of candy is all together in one pile. That way, you can count how many pieces of each type of candy you have, and make sure that everyone gets the same amount of each type.

It's like taking all the red M&M's and putting them in one pile, all the blue ones in another, and so on. That way you can make sure each person gets the same number of red, blue, and other colored M&M's.

Stable hashing is important because it helps us divide up things fairly and avoid fights over who gets what. Just like sharing candy with friends, it's important to share computer resources (like memory and processing power) fairly so everyone can use them without any problems.