ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral

Do you know what stained glass is? It's when you take pieces of colorful glass and put them together to make really pretty pictures or designs.

Chartres Cathedral is a big church in a town in France. It's really old, and people have been going there for hundreds and hundreds of years to pray. One of the things that makes the church so special and beautiful is all of the stained glass windows inside.

The windows are like big, colorful puzzles. Each little piece of glass is a different color, and they all fit together to make a picture. Some of the pictures are about Jesus and his life, and some of them are about other important people from the Bible.

Some of the windows have been in the church for almost 800 years! That's longer than your great-grandparents have been alive. People back then didn't have fancy tools like we do now, so they had to make the windows by hand. They would cut the glass into pieces and fit them together, almost like a big jigsaw puzzle.

The sun shines through the windows during the day, and it makes the colors really bright and beautiful. It's like having a giant rainbow inside the church! People used to think that the pictures in the windows helped tell stories to everyone who couldn't read. And even today, people still think they're really special and pretty to look at.