ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Standard conditions for temperature and pressure

Standard conditions for temperature and pressure (STP) are like the rules that everyone agrees to follow when we talk about gases. It is like playing a game where we all have to follow the same rules!

The first rule is about temperature, which is how hot or cold something is. At STP, we all agree that the temperature is 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. This is like saying we are all going to play a game outside when the weather is the same temperature.

The second rule is about pressure, which is like how hard something is pushing on something else. At STP, we agree that the pressure is 1 atmosphere or 101.3 kilopascals. This is like saying we all need to blow up our balloons to the same size.

Now, why do we need these rules? Well, it makes it easier for us to compare things! If we are all talking about the same temperature and pressure, we can compare how different gases behave in the same conditions. It is like comparing how different toys work when we all play with them in the same way.

So next time you hear someone talking about STP, remember that it is like a set of rules we all follow to make it easier to compare gases. And just like playing a game, we all have to agree to follow the same rules!