ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish

Okay kiddo, imagine a shape that looks like two triangles stacked on top of each other. This shape is called the Star of David and it is a very important symbol for Jewish people.

Some very important and famous Jewish people were asked to talk about their experiences and feelings about being Jewish, and those conversations were put into a book called "Stars of David".

In the book, these Jewish people talk about how being Jewish shapes their identities and influences their lives. They also talk about the challenges and joys that come with being Jewish.

This book helps people who are not Jewish understand more about Jewish culture and beliefs. It also helps Jewish people feel validated and proud of who they are.

So, the Star of David is a symbol for Jewish people, and "Stars of David" is a book where famous Jewish people talk about their experiences being Jewish. Did that help?