A stationary point is like a point on a rollercoaster where the car goes up and then stops before it goes down again. When you look at the rollercoaster, it looks like a curve or a line that goes up and down, but when the car reaches the highest point, it doesn't move anymore, and it's called the stationary point.
In math, a stationary point is where the slope of a curve or graph equals zero. Imagine drawing a line on a graph paper that goes up and down, with bumps and jumps. If you put a dot on the line where it just stops going up and starts going down, that dot is a stationary point. It's like a resting spot for the line.
Stationary points are important in math because they can help us find the highest or lowest points of something. For example, if you are trying to figure out the best time to buy stocks, you could look at graphs of previous stock prices and find the stationary points. The stationary points will tell you when the price was at its highest or lowest point, which can help you make better decisions in the future.
Overall, a stationary point is a spot where something stops moving or changing, and it can be useful in math to find important points on a graph or curve.